Terminator Will Be Back In … 2019

Written by gerrylovesfilm@gmail.com

Tim Miller is the one bravely taking a stab at making the next film a hit, knowing that many people have tried and failed before him.  Is he going to try and replicate Deadpool’s success by adding a comedic aspect to the feature – who knows.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton are gladly returning, as well as producer James Cameron. The new Terminator would hit screens on 26 July, 2019 and would potentially be the first of three films .

In the words of Cameron himself: “This is a continuation of the story from The Terminator and Terminator 2,” he claimed. “And we’re pretending the other films were a bad dream. Or an alternate timeline, which is permissible in our multi-verse. This was really driven more by Tim than anybody, surprisingly, because I came in pretty agnostic about where we took it. The only thing I insisted on was that we somehow revamp it and reinvent it for the 21st century.” Well, at least he isn’t sugarcoating anything like other producers often do.

Despite Emilia Clarke’s obvious appeal, a new actress would be cast as the young Sarah Connor.